
Permanent exhibitions

Adults3.50 €
University students*, Seniors*2.50 €
Pupils*1.50 €

* ID required (student card, senior card etc.)



3+ Ģimenes karte / European Large Family Card

Free entry to the permanent exhibitions and to exhibitions curated by the museum staff

Goda ģimenes karteFree entry to the permanent exhibitions and to exhibitions curated by the museum staff

Annual ticket (permanent exhibitions and thematic exhibitions)

Adults20.00 €
Students*, Seniors*15.00 €
Pupils*10.00 €

* ID required (student card, senior card etc.)

Museum pedagogical offer

Guided tour for preschool or pupils (45–60 min)15.00 €
Guided tour in Latvian for adults (45–60 min)20.00 €
Guided tour in English or Russian for adults (45–60 min)25.00 €

Venue hire

Conference hall  (79 square meters)

1 hour25.00 €
8 hours150.00 €

Classroom  (71 square meters)

1 hour25.00 €
8 hours150.00 €

Classroom (43 square meters)

1 hour12.00 €
8 hours72.00 €

Exhibition space  (58 square meters)

1 hour 20.00 €       
8 hours120.00 €  

Exhibition space (109 square meters)

8 hours   110.00 €